Customized Treatments

At Biologique Recherche, we decode your skin’s messages to refine our tailored treatment protocols for your unique Skin Instant©. Our personalized dermo-cosmetic diagnosis guides every skincare protocol for the face, body, or scalp. Our experts receive specialized training to cater to your specific Skin Instant©.


Biologique Recherche is intent on understanding the messages your skin sends, in order to keep fine-tuning its treatment protocols to each Skin Instant©. Each skincare protocol is devised specifically in response to a personalized dermo-cosmetic diagnosis. All Biologique Recherche’s personalized treatments – whether for the face, body or scalp – are executed with the same rigor and methodology.

The experts at Biologique Recherche undergo training in the techniques and products they are to use, according to your particular Skin Instant©.
